Top Ten Tuesday – Books to read if you like…

Hello everyone! This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is to suggest ten books to read if you like a certain popular author or book. I found this to be quite a difficult one because I tend to switch between different genres quite a bit.


I have decided to go for the genre that sparked my real passion for reading. The type of books which introduced me to a whole world of YA (young adult) literature: the dystopian novel. I know some people who turn their noses up at such novels these days because they are SO popular. But, I cannot deny my love for them!

I have picked some books to read if you like The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. I found it slightly easier to think of some recommendations in this genre because I enjoy reading it. I came up with five top ones from memory and they are…

Number 5

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

The Host

I really enjoyed this book – although if anyone mentions the film I will deny that it even exists. If you have seen the film and been put off, please just get a copy of the book and forget the film! I never really got into the Twilight series by the same author, but I found the writing in this book to be really engaging and the storyline was very intriguing. Definitely don’t write it off just yet.

Number 4

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

The Lunar

A sci-fi fantasy set in future China. The first book in the series, Cinder, being a retelling of the classic fairy tale Cinderella (and the only one I have read so far). Then we have Scarlet, which is Little Red Riding Hood, Cress, which is Rapunzel and Winter, which is Snow White (not yet released).

Number 3

The Maze Runner series by James Dashner

The Maze Runner Books

Recently, my confidence in this series has be reignited. Admittedly, I did stop reading after the second book, The Scorch Trials (which is seemingly the worst of the three in the main trilogy). I know this because after really enjoying the most recent film adaptation, I picked up the final book, The Death Cure, and I am really enjoying it too! I know there has been some unhappy fans who weren’t too pleased about how much the films stray from the books. However, I think they are both good in their own right and anyone who likes The Hunger Games is sure to enjoy the fast-paced thrills of The Maze Runner.

Number 2

The 5th Wave series by Rick Yancey

The 5th Wave Two

This is an incomplete series. The final book, The Last Star, has not yet been released and I am so excited! So far I have read the first two books, The 5th Wave and The Infinite Sea. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where five mysterious waves of destruction have hit planet earth, which is now inhabited by “the others.” Soon to be a movie starring Chloe Grace Moretz which looks so amazing! You still have time to read it!

Number 1

The Divergent series by Veronica Roth

Divergent Three

Set in future Chicago, in a society divided into five factions based on your personality type, Tris must find out where she belongs. I absolutely fell in love with this series and all the characters in it. I also read the companion novel, Four, which is a collection of four short stories from Four’s perspective.

So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed my top five. Let me know if you have read any of them and, if so, what you thought!

Lots of love,

Laura x

13 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Books to read if you like…

    1. I did enjoy Cinder but I am not keen to pick up the next one in the series at the moment, lots of people love it though so it is definitely worth a read 🙂 I am absolutely loving the third maze trials book, The Death Cure! 🙂


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